Mac Docker setup

Before you start

  1. If you plan to make changes to the theme make sure to create GitHub account, or sign in into existing one.

    1. Make sure you have a SSH key assigned to your GitHub account, and you current machine has the same key. Read how to setup SSH key on GitHub.

  2. Make sure you have git, docker-compose and mutagen binaries installed. To test, execute following command in the bash terminal:

git --version # it should be ^2
docker-compose -v # it should be ^1.24
mutagen version # it should be ^0.11.2
  • If git was not found, please follow this installation instruction.

  • If docker-compose was not found, please follow this installation instruction.

  • If mutagen was not found, please follow this installation instruction.

  • Choose an installation directory. It can be anywhere on your computer. Folder /var/www/public is not necessary, prefer ~/Projects/ for ease of use.

  • To make your life easier, make sure to create an aliases for docker-compose and mutagen commands. Follow the guide to create permanent aliases. We recommend defining following:

# use `localtheme` to start without `frontend` container
alias localtheme="mutagen project -f mutagen.local.yml"

# use `front` to start with `frontend` container
alias front="mutagen project -f mutagen.frontend.yml"

# use `dc` when you need to interact with up and running docker containers (without frontend container)
alias dc="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml"

# use `dcf` when you need to interact with up and running docker containers (with frontend container)
alias dcf="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml"

# use `inapp` to quickly get inside of the app container
alias inapp="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml exec -u user app"

# use `infront` to quickly get inside of the frontend container
alias infront="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml exec -w /var/www/public/app/design/frontend/Scandiweb/pwa/ frontend"

# use `applogs` to quickly see the last 100 lines of app container logs
alias applogs="docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 app"

# use `frontlogs` to quickly see the last 100 lines of frontend container logs
alias frontlogs="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml logs -f --tail=100 frontend"

Those aliases are required to have all services available at all times. Otherwise, if just using docker-compose only services defined in docker-composer.yml will be available. Understand what services are available at all by reading this part of our documentation.


Mutagen is necessary for Mac platform to improve performance. It is used to sync files between the host and docker container. There are some points you need to bear in mind while working with mutagen coming soon!

5. Make sure you have a valid Magento 2 COMPOSER_AUTH set. This is an environment variable set on your host machine. To test if it is set, use:

env | grep COMPOSER_AUTH

If the output of this command is empty, or, if the output (JSON object) does not contain "" key, you need to set / update the environment variable.

  1. Make sure you have a valid Magento account. You can create or login to existing one on Magento Marketplace site.

  2. Upon logging to your Magento Marketplace account follow the official guide to locate and generate credentials.

  3. Now, using the following template, set the environment variable:

export COMPOSER_AUTH='{"http-basic":{"": {"username": "<PUBLIC KEY FROM MAGENTO MARKETPLACE>", "password": "<PRIVATE KEY FROM MAGENTO MARKETPLACE>"}}}'

To set the environment variables follow this guide. Make sure to make them persist (stay between reloads).

6. Execute following command to add scandipwa.local to your /etc/hosts file and map it to the

echo ' scandipwa.local' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

When you are ready

  1. Get the copy of magento-docker - clone your fork, or clone the original repository. Do not try to download the release ZIP - it will contain outdated code.

# to clone the fork
git clone<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>/magento-docker.git

# to clone the original repository
git clone

# to clone via HTTPS (not recommended)
git clone
git status # expected output `On branch magento-2.4.1`

If any other output has been returned, execute the following command to checkout the correct branch:

git checkout magento-2.4.1

2. Generate and trust a self-signed SSL certificate.

  1. Begin with generating a certificate. Use the following command for that:

make cert

2. Add certificate to the list of trusted ones. Add this certificate <PATH TO PROJECT ROOT>/opt/cert/scandipwa-ca.pem to Key Chain. See this instruction for more details.

3. Reload the Google Chrome. Sometimes, the Google Chrome caches the old-certificates. Make to completely exit chrome, before opening it back. Sometimes, the “invalid certificate” issues only disappears after the full host machine reload.

4. Pull all necessary container images


container image != media image. Read more about container images here

# if you have the alias set up
dcf pull

# without aliases (not recommended)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml pull

There are two ways to use the setup: with frontend container and without it. The setup with frontend container is called development. The alias running it is front. The alias for production-like run is localtheme.


If you have already ran ScandiPWA in any mode once, you can safely skip to step 3. In case, of course, you plan on development.

4. Start the infrastructure in production-like mode

# if you have the alias set up
localtheme start

# without aliases (not recommended)
mutagen project -f mutagen.local.yml start

5. Wait until the infrastructure starts

After the previous command is executed, the site won’t be available quickly, it takes 80-250s to start, you can see when the application is ready to receive the requests by watching app logs, using this command:

# if you have the alias set up

# without aliases (not recommended)
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 app

If you can see following output, the application is ready!

NOTICE: ready to handle connections


if you are starting the project with the frontend container, the ability of application to receive the requests does not mark that it is ready to be used. Frontend container compiles the theme asynchronously, so you need to read logs of the frontend container to understand when this process finishes. Instructions to that are described above.

6. Start the development-setup (optional)

# if you have the alias set up
front start

# without aliases (not recommended)
mutagen project -f mutagen.frontend.yml start

7. Wait until the development infrastructure starts

In development setup - the page will be available much faster rather than in production-like setup - right after the theme compilation in frontend container. You can track the progress using following command:

# if you have the alias set up

# without aliases (not recommended)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml logs -f --tail=100 frontend

If you can see following output, the frontend is ready!

 「wdm」: Compiled successfully


the requests to /graphql will still fail, you need to wait until the app container starts. See instruction in step 2 to see how.

How to access the site?


all application configurations, i.e. admin password, admin username, admin URL, application mode and more is located in .application file.

  1. To run any Magento-related command (composer, bin/magento) use inapp bash command on your host machine. Do not attempt to run them on your host machine.

  2. Open your favorite browser, i.e. Google Chrome

  3. Regardless of production or development setup go to https://scandipwa.local

    1. In production the Magento (app container) is fully responsible for what you see in browser

    2. In development the webpack-dev-server (frontend container) is responsible for frontend, while /media, /graphql, /admin URLs are still coming from Magento.

  4. To access the Maildev, go to http://scandipwa.local:1080/maildev

  5. To access the Kibana, go to http://scandipwa.local:5601

Sample-data? Yes, please!

The module scandipwa/sample-data includes following:

  • Small amount of products

  • 2 Categories

  • 3 CMS blocks

  • 3 CMS Pages

  • 1 Slider

  • 1 Menu

  • Execute into the app component:

# if you have the alias set up
inapp bash

# without aliases (not recommended)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml exec -u user app

2. Require ScandiPWA sample-data:

composer require scandipwa/sample-data

3. Run sample-data migration scripts:

magento se:up

4. Flush configuration caches updated by migration:

magento c:f

Want some development guidance?

Stuck? Don’t know where to start? Checkout our development guide! It will guide you through the best-practices working with ScandiPWA! How to debug, configure the code-editor, code-style checker and create your first base-template! This, and much-much more in:

Our awesome development guide

Something does not work?

Follow this simple algorithm:

  1. Refer to the FAQ page. It most probably already has the solution to your problem.

  2. If the issue still persists, join our community slack, and feel free to ask questions in #pwa_tech public channel.

  3. Alternatively create an issue on GitHub - however, the response time there will be a little-bit longer than in community Slack.

Last updated