Setting Up Frontend

Topics covered in this tutorial:

What Is A Front-End Container?

ScandiPWA Docker set-up comes with two options. You can either wither with or without front-end.

A front-end container completely replaces the front-end for the application. So, instead of the Magento server providing you with the front-end, the webpack dev server does it.

How To Start The Development Set-Up?

You can check out one of our Docker set-up tutorials to find out more about the recommended aliases.

To start the development set-up use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml up -d --remove-orphans

Or, if you have this alias set up

# docker-compose with front-end
alias dcf="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml"


dcf up -d --remove-orphans

Working With The Front-End Container: Difference Between The Production And Development Set-Up



...-f frontend.compose.frontend.yml...

M2 handles all requests

/graphql, /admin —> M2 back-end server

npm run build

/category, /123 etc. —> webpack dev server

Customization works

No customization

URL rewrites work

No URL/rewrites/redirects

Dev server watches the files

In-memory caching - quick recompilation

The Development Set-Up

  • To start, use an additional file docker-compose-frontend.yml or the dcf alias.

  • /graphql and /admin will be handled by Magento.

  • /category, /products etc. will be handled by the webpack dev server

    • The webpack dev-server will be running in a container called frontend.

  • No customization abilities.

    • ScandiPWA supports color and content customization, however, it won’t function in development mode

  • No URL rewrites/redirects .

    • Magento router is not involved in the response generation, instead it is done by the webpack dev server.

    • What are the pluses of this approach?

      • Dev server watches the files from your theme directory app/design/frontend/Scandiweb/pwa. Recompiles after every change.

      • In-memory caching allows for quick recompilation of only the files which are changed or hot-reloading.

The Production Set-Up

  • Every request is handled by Magento

  • Any change in the ScandiPWA folder will require for you to run the command npm run build from its directory.

    • Any change requires full recompilement unlike in the development mode, where only the changed files are recompiled.

  • URL rewrites work

  • Customization works

    • If you want to check out your customization, you need to switch into production mode and remove -f docker-compose.frontend.yml from the stack


The first set-up must be done in production mode, without the front-end container

You can check out our docs for a step-by-step guide on how to correctly set-up.

Overriding A Component: Step-By-Step Walkthrough

If you don’t want to debug, change the .env file’s PROJECT-IMAGE = xdebug to PROJECT-IMAGE = latest. Now, when force recreating with dcf up -d --remove-orphans we see that the front-end container gets set up.

Use the alias frontlogs or dcf logs -f frontend to see what the state of the application is.

If you see the following output, the front-end is ready. You can open a browser and go to scandipwa.local to make sure that, indeed, the front-end is ready and will hot-reload.

ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully

Open the folder scandipwa-base/src/app/design/frontend/Scandiweb/pwa/src and create an app folder in it.

You can check out the ScandiPWA VSCode extension to improve the speed of your workflow.

Assuming that you have the extension installed, search for ScandiPWA: Extend source component and select Breadcrumbs as a component to override. Press ok and then Extend them!.

You’ll see the Breadcrumbs.component.js file. Here eslint is already configured, but feel free to read more here or here, and check out the ScandiPWA eslint plug-in.

Open the file, it will be full of warnings due to the fact that stylelint is working.

Let’s check-out where the breadcrumbs are displayed on the web app. Go to your browser and type scandipwa.local. Then go to “woman” > “dresses” for example, and right-click “Inspect element”.

You’ll see the element class Breadcrumbs and all of its children who have .Breadcrumbs-List styles. This is called BEM or Block Element Modifier and you can read more about it here.

For this example we’re interested in where the color of Breadcrumbs is and upon further inspection we can see that it happens in the .Breadcrumbs block.

Return back to the file and type the following.

  --breadcrumbs-background: red;

Go back to your browser to check if its working. You should see a red breadcrumb container. This happens because the front-end container immediately compiles the styles and anything else in the ScandiPWA front-end app.

Last updated