How To Contribute

How To Contribute: From Install To Pull-Request

Topics covered in this tutorial:

Setting up ScandiPWA

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have forked and cloned the scandipwa-base project.

First, let’s open up the terminal and navigate to the project’s directory.

cd ~/Myproject/scandipwa-base/
ls -la # confirm that we're in the right place

Previously, in the Linux Docker set-up we already created aliases for docker-compose commands. Here’s a little refresher:

# use `dc` to start without `frontend` container
alias dc="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml"

# use `dcf` to start with `frontend` container
alias dcf="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml"

# use `inapp` to quickly get inside of the app container
alias inapp="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml exec -u user app"

# use `infront` to quickly get inside of the frontend container
alias infront="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml exec -w /var/www/public/app/design/frontend/Scandiweb/pwa/ frontend"

# use `applogs` to quickly see the last 100 lines of app container logs
alias applogs="docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 app"

# use `frontlogs` to quickly see the last 100 lines of frontend container logs
alias frontlogs="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.frontend.yml logs -f --tail=100 frontend"

We can also look for a specific alias by piping:

alias|grep dcf

If we want to contribute we run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.ssl.yml -f docker-compose.core.yml

Instead of the docker-compose.frontend.yml we use docker-compose.core.yml, where core stands for contribution.

Before this, though, we need to make sure that we’ve cloned our theme in the correct place.

Let’s make a new folder in the scandipwa-base/src folder. We’ll use this later for composer packages in order to locally connect to them.

mkdir src/localmodules

Next, we need to fork the ScandiPWA base theme and clone it in the src/localmodules folder.

After returning to the scandipwa-base folder we need to run one of our previously aliased commands in order to recreate the docker set-up without front-end:

dc up -d

You can read more about the docker-compose up command here.

Next, we use applogs to check-out the last 100 lines of app container logs.

If you see the Connection to Redis failed error, you need to force-recreate:

dc up -d --force-recreate

Next we run the inapp alias to get inside of the app container and execute an interactive bash shell in it:

inapp bash

Let’s go to the localmodules/base-theme/ folder and run npm ci to get a clean install of the necessary dependencies.

cd localmodules/base-theme/
npm ci

After installing the modules we can exit the app for now. Now, back in the scandipwa-base folder run the following to compose the core contribution file:

dc -f docker-compose.core.yml up -d

The docker-compose.core.yml and docker-compose.frontend.yml files are the same except for the command pm2-watch, which in the core file is replaced by dev-server-core.

In frontend the vendor folders are mapped, however, in core only the base-theme is mapped.

This is because a fall-back mechanism is not needed when you’re contributing - every file in the theme is present.


Never use docker-compose.core.yml and docker-compose.frontend.yml at the same time.

Next, use frontlogs to see if core has compiled and type scandipwa.local in your browser to check-out if everything is working.

Next, using whatever text editor you fancy, open the folder src/local-modules/base-theme and start customising!

Making A Contribution: Front-End


Your feature branches must be made from the stable branch

Note that any contributions must be made to the stable branch, which at this point is 2.x-stable.

So, after you’ve made the changes save them, checkout to the latest stable branch and git stash pop

The standard sequence after making changes:

git stash save
git branch <stable-branch-name> HEAD
git checkout -b <your-branch-name> # add a descriptive branch name
git stash pop

Check-out the git reference here.

After doing this you can commit as usual:

git add <file-name>
git commit -m "your-message"
git push
git push origin <your-branch-name>

After this you should see in your GitHub account and create a pull request. Then the pull request will be reviewed by our fabulous maintainers and either be approved or closed.

Making A Contribution: Back-End

Clone the repo the same way as previously, you can choose e.g. store-graphql.

If you want to contribute to one of the back-end features, you have to select a one patch number higher than that of the available ones.

So if the latest release is 1.0.2, yours will be 1.0.3

First we need to find out which version we currently have, so let’s enter the container:

inapp bash
composer info scandipwa/store-graphql

At this current time latest version is 1.0.2

composer config repo.<your-name> path <your/path>

Or in this specific case:

composer config path localmodules/store-graphql/
cat composer.json # check that there's a store module

So now we need to make sure that store is installed on our local system as a higher version.

Using a text editor open src/localmodules/store-graphql open composer.json file and specify a new version, in this case 1.0.3.


Do not commit the composer.json changes.

Next, let’s update:

composer update scandipwa/store-graphql

After this the src/localmodules/store-graphql will be symlinked with the vendor folders. This way any change you perform on the origin folder will be reflected in Magento.

After making changes, exit the container and go to the store-graphql directory.

cd src/localmodules/store-graphql

We can check out if our changes are registered by using git status, in fact can use git status any time to see what the state of our commit is.

After this we can use a similar sequence as previously:

git checkout -b feature-branch-1
git add src         # add the whole folder
git commit -m "Some message"
git push
git push origin feature-branch-1

After this we can go to our GitHub account and open a pull request.

Last updated