ScandiPWA is provided with functionality that allows writing GraphQL queries quickly and easily. You will learn to implement a simple query.
Imagine having a following GraphQL schema:
type Mutation {
sendMessage(input: SendMessageInput!): SendMessageOutput
input SendMessageInput {
chat_id: String!
message_text: String!
message_image_id: String
type SendMessageOutput {
success: Boolean
sent_message_info: SentMessageInformation
type SentMessageInformation {
message_id: Int
sender_id: Int
Create a file in src/app/query folder. Call it <FunctionalityPartName>.query.js.
In there create a class called <FunctionalityPartName>Query.
Implement query retrieval functionality. Do not forget to add export to the src/query/index.js file.
ScandiPWA provides Field class as a helper to write GraphQL queries. It is strongly recommended to stick to it as to the only possible way of query implementation
// Chat.query.jsimport { Field } from'Util/Query';exportclassChatQuery {// The query itselfsendMessage(input) {returnnewField('sendMessage')// Set query's arguments.addArgument('input','SendMessageInput!', input)// Add fields to query (Field instance).addFieldList(this._getSendMessageFields()); }// Option 1: setting fields with addFieldList from array_getSendMessageFields() {return ['success',this._getSentMessageInfoField() ]; }// Option 2: setting each field manually_getSentMessageInfoField() {returnnewField('sent_message_info').addField('message_id').addField('sender_id'); }}exportdefaultnewChatQuery();
4. Use the query!
Natural question should arise at this point: what does input contain?
Answer is pretty trivial. It is a simple JS object, which has exactly the same structure as defined in SendRmaMessageInput type in the schema. This case it should be the following:
{ chat_id:'1BC2', message_text:'My awesome chat API works perfectly fine!', message_image_id:'5DF1'// Optional because in input type it is defined as optional}
Generally, there are two options how data can be fetched in ScandiPWA: through Service Worker (in most cases you want to use this option) or around it.
To use SW you need to create a dispatcher in src/app/store/<FunctionalityPartName> that inherits from QueryDispatcher, as follows:
import { QueryDispatcher } from'Util/Request';import { ONE_MONTH_IN_SECONDS } from'Util/Request/QueryDispatcher';import { SomeQuery } from'Query';exportclassSomeDispatcherextendsQueryDispatcher {constructor() {/** About super(name, cacheTTL) - QueryDispatcher constructor@param name — Name of model for ServiceWorker to send BroadCasts updates to@param cacheTTL — Cache TTL (in seconds) for ServiceWorker to cache responses */super('Some',ONE_MONTH_IN_SECONDS); }onSuccess(options, dispatch) {// Dispatch action with new data }onError(error, dispatch) {// Handle error }prepareRequest(options) {return [SomeQuery.getQuery(options) ]; }}exportdefaultnewSomeDispatcher();
To ignore SW functionality functions fetchQuery and fetchMutation can be used as in example below. Simple promise-based workflow.