Internal Structure

Class ShopQuery

import {ShopQuery} from '@scandipwa/shopify-shop/src/api/Shop.query.js'

Description: * Query declarations for shop Read more: Query controller

Namespace: ShopifyShop/Api/Shop/Query/ShopQuery

Method _getShopFields

Description: A function which returns an array of shop fields Read more: Extending Query controllers

Function processShop

import {processShop} from '@scandipwa/shopify-shop/src/api/Shop.processor.js'

Description: Shop processor

Namespace: ShopifyShop/Api/Shop/Processor/processShop

🔮 Common extension point: Great place to add some "calculated" field into shop

    'ShopifyShop/Api/Shop/Processor/processShop': {
        'function': ([shop], callback) => {
                 shop.translatedDescription = translate(shop.description);

Class ShopProvider

import {ShopProvider} from '@scandipwa/shopify-shop/src/context/Shop.provider.js'

Description: Provider class for Shop Context. Used to make shop data available to every component in the app.

Namespace: ShopifyShop/Context/Shop/Provider/ShopProvider

Method getContextValue

Description: A function which returns an object that will be visible in the Shop Context

🔮 Common extension point: Add more fields to Shop Context outside of Shopify API

    'ShopifyShop/Context/Shop/Provider/ShopProvider': {
        'member-function': {
            'getContextValue': (args, callback) => ({
                     supportedLanguages: ['EN', 'IT', 'ES']

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