
The CRA (Create React App) has been chosen as a framework to build on-top-of for this project. The toolchain CSA (Create ScandiPWA App) (a subject to change) was used to achieve the extensibility and modularity required. The breakdown of this decision is as follows:

  • An application does not have support SSR (Server Side Rendering) implementation - thus the pre-renderers like must be used. This affects SEO and Google synthetic audit metrics - which can lead to lower rankings.

  • An application uses react-router-dom for routing. The package @scandipwa/router contains Router and Switch components declarations, which other modules can inject into.

  • To inject different types of providers and application wrappers (i.e. Router, Global Context). The package @scandipwa/framework contains App Component declaration and react-dom rendering logic.

Heads up!

The framework is subject to change. To circumvent the lack of SSR this project is in the progress of migration to NextJS framework.

Last updated