Internal Structure

Class CheckoutQuery

import {CheckoutQuery} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/api/Checkout.query.js'

Description: Checkout query declaration. Read more: Query controller, TypedQuery

Namespace: ShopifyCheckout/Api/Checkout/Query/CheckoutQuery

Method _getCheckoutFields

Description: Function that returns an array of checkout fields. Read more: Extending Query controllers

Method getCheckoutField

Description: Checkout by ID fields getter [returns node]

Method getCreateCheckoutField

Description: Create checkout fields getter [returns node]

Function processCheckout

import {processCheckout} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/api/Checkout.processor.js'

Description: Checkout processor. Returns void, instead it modifies the passed argument.

Namespace: ShopifyCheckout/Api/Checkout/Processor/processCheckout


import {CREATE_CHECKOUT} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/api/Checkout.query.js'

Description: A type of CheckoutQuery associated with getCreateCheckoutField function.

Usage examples:

// Returns getter of create checkout mutation
import getCheckoutQueryByType, { CREATE_CHECKOUT } from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/api/Checkout.query.js';
const queryGetter = getCheckoutQueryByType(CREATE_CHECKOUT);


import {FETCH_CHECKOUT} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/api/Checkout.query.js'

Description: A type of CheckoutQuery associated with getCheckoutField function.

Usage examples:

// Returns getter of checkout query
import getCheckoutQueryByType, { FETCH_CHECKOUT } from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/api/Checkout.query.js';
const queryGetter = getCheckoutQueryByType(FETCH_CHECKOUT);

Function CartFallbackPage

import {CartFallbackPage} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/component/CartFallbackPage/index.js'

Description: The component to be used as fallback while the cart page is loading

Namespace: ShopifyCheckout/Component/CartFallbackPage/Index/CartFallbackPage

Class CartPageComponent

import {CartPageComponent} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/component/CartPage/CartPage.component.js'

Description: Cart page component

Namespace: ShopifyCheckout/Component/CartPage/Component/CartPageComponent

Member sortedRenderMap

Description: The list of sections to be displayed on the cart page. Read more: SortedRenderMap

Class CheckoutProvider

import {CheckoutProvider} from '@scandipwa/shopify-checkout/src/context/Checkout.provider.js'

Description: Provider class for Checkout Context. Used to make checkout data available to every component in the app

Namespace: ShopifyCheckout/Context/Checkout/Provider/CheckoutProvider

Method getContextValue

Description: A function which returns an object that will be visible in the Checkout Context

🔮 Common extension point: Add more fields to Checkout Context outside of Shopify API

    'ShopifyCheckout/Context/Checkout/Provider/CheckoutProvider': {
        'member-function': {
            'getContextValue': (args, callback) => ({
                     isEligibleForCheckout: isUserLoggedIn

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